Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tax Return

Every year, nearly eight out of ten American tax filers receive a federal tax return, and according to the IRS, the average amount paid is close to $3,000. Americans are elated to see that money hit their bank accounts as they already have big plans to spend it and your employer deducts taxes based on the number of allowances you claim on your W-4. However, for most of those same Americans, receiving that refund means they had about $3,000 too much withheld from their paychecks throughout the year. Think about it. A tax return Bay Village is a refund of your own hard-earned money and owing money is always stressful, take a look at your return and add together your total taxes. Don’t forget to include Social Security, state income taxes and property taxes but when other people are talking about their big refunds, you start to question what went wrong. It’s not a gift or an extra paycheck from the government it’s quite the opposite.

Luckily, receiving a tax return Bay Village means you made an interest-free loan to the government there’s a solution to help avoid this unhappy fate next year. Simply file a new Form W-4 with your employer and increase the amount of federal income tax withheld by decreasing the number of allowances which means you had less money during the year to pay off debts, or afford those pesky car repairs, make home improvements or to stash away in your retirement fund or your kid’s college savings account. File a new Form W-4 with your employer if you have the opposite problem as someone who received a refund. So then adjusting your withholdings to better match your tax situation if you had to pay a significant tax bill after you filed your tax return. It will help you avoid temporarily giving it up to the IRS. Understanding which tax bracket you fall into can help determine if a particular tax deduction will benefit your tax situation to make sure you entered deductions when you prepared your tax return.  You need to check your return to make sure you were able to take the full deduction this tax year.

In some cases, when you’re in moderate-income tax brackets, you’re better off getting the highest return you can on your money or you may have received little or no benefit from the deduction due to income restrictions. For example, if you have a rental house, you may have intended to take a deduction for your loss including depreciation even if you pay tax on it. Tax professionals understand IRS notices and are equipped with how to respond of how-to advice, tax return planning tips, and quick answers to all of your challenging questions. Unfortunately, no one is exempt from receiving an IRS notice so they’re the best way to stay on top of the latest issues and updates impacting your returns. Remember that there is usually no need to call the IRS upon receipt of a letter in the mail and they never initiate contact using social media, text message, email or the phone.